Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
My electric and water bills have increased rather dramatically over the past few months. In particular, my DWSD bill went up around 50%. Electric is pretty bad as well. I've spent less and less time at home as a result of military obligation and I also don't own a television or water my lawn or any silly business like that so it would be impossible for my actual usage to increase. I think the local evil monopolies/trusts [[DWSD and DTE) are scamming me and I would like to destroy them. Any input in your experiences or how to go about seeking retribution from them or otherwise dealing them punishment is appreciated.
Interesting you brought that up. My saga: we have the satellite read. Got our bill which says actual and our usage went up 87%! Curious sense we lost power in the billing cycle for 5 1/2 days. We called, they asked us to read the meter and said "oops, it wasn't an actual read so pay this amount which was and has been, still insane.

Our plan of action is to go to pay adjusted bill in person, I want an audit of the past 6 month and a real check on our meter and a full energy audit at their expense.

The budget plan is also a major rip off. Pay the monthly amount and at least you can catch errors earlier.

Gas bill is in line but water bills also insane. I have been calling with no luck for months. Things like you are 54th in queue and an hour later you are on hold and still 54th.