Quote Originally Posted by gazhekwe View Post
Hello, thatonegirl, and welcome! Reading your OP gave me some serious flashbacks. It has been a good long while since my time in angstland, but I do remember it well. The exciting thing is, everything ahead of you can be things you choose. So many choices! Detroit is only one of many. As others have said, Winter is a key point to understand. It can be pretty amazingly beautiful and pretty shockingly brutal at the same time. February is a great time to come for a week or so and truly get to know a Detroit winter. There are many things to do and see in February that get you out in the snow, or you can stay inside and enjoy some art, some sports, some theater, music, it's all here. What work are you thinking of to support yourself here?
Honestly, anything I can do to support myself. I'm a hard worker, and if it means food on my table that night or not, I will not be picky in selecting a job. I adapt really well so after a while and I get used to things, and work becomes easy. Something I would enjoy doing more than others would be cooking, I do all the cooking for my family now, but I love cooking. I've always thought being a maid for a hotel would be fun. I know that sounds a little silly, but I love cleaning. I love being able to do the same thing over, and over so I can get as close to perfect as possible. I also like to be on my own, with my own thoughts.
I have read there is a lot going on in Detroit all the time, especially regarding the arts. I do plan on going out next spring break in 2016 for sure and visiting and maybe this summer.
The climate there is pretty similar to winter here in Flagstaff. 80's in the summer, and low 20's in the winter with unpredictable wind and snow.
Thank you so much!!! Sorry if I'm blabbing too much. [[: