Jimaz, I've never used an ATM and I avoid self service grocery and Home Depot checkouts. They are, to me, annoyances. Automating away jobs could also be looked at as businesses trying to cut expenses in response to rising labor costs due to higher mandated minimum wages, [[un)ACA costs, and other new regulations. On the other hand and as an aside, the same government responsible for such job cuts is providing a lot more personal attention to passengers checking in at the airport. I'm for states requiring higher minimum wages but realize that computerization and automation will be a result. One nice thing about capitalism though is that it allows you or I to compete with our own grocery store complete with real live cashiers, baggers, and parking valets. I'm too lazy to but I've wondered why, for instance, labor unions, religious groups, or the Democratic Party haven't done more to create models of grocery stores, health insurance policies, and other businesses to both give us cheaper stuff while providing more jobs to match their rhetoric.

Where I live in Wisconsin, I frequent employee owned grocery stores, my electric, telephone, cable, and internet providers are all consumer owned coops, and I bank at a consumer owned credit union. I also buy my beer from City Brewery which is employee owned and is a phoenix survivor of Stroh's ruining Old Style. That's good capitalism. We can all make some personal choices and stand in the line with a teller or cashier and purchase from consumer and employee owned businesses when possible while we are waiting for institutions claiming to be above greed to offer alternatives instead of griping.