In 2011, I moved from St Louis to Hamtramck. I don't think you will have any problems. I loved living there, but my work thought otherwise and I was recently transferred. Hamtramck reminded me of South Grand, perhaps a little grittier. I rented a typical 'worker cottage' just east of Caniff, north of Holbrook. Utilities were reasonable, never paid more than $120/month. I paid gas/electricity, landlord paid water/sewer/trash. Car insurance was the only serious change in expenses vs. St Louis. Desi pizza, best chicken & rice ever! I never experienced any crime myself, nor did any of my neighbors when I lived there. You might want to think twice about not having a car. I worked downtown and thought I'd go car free one day a week. Bus service was not the best even on the short ride between Hamtramck/downtown. DDOT is nothing like metrobus. But, in town, I walked everywhere. I loved being able to walk around town for most errands. I was able to find most everything I needed in town. I probably had to make the trek out to the suburbs once a month for stuff I couldn't get in town. All in all, depending on the STL neighborhood you lived in, you will wake up some days and forget you are not in south city. Best of luck and I'm sure you will love it!