Quote Originally Posted by detmsp View Post
For as much as Detroiters like to be considered "tough", as a bunch, we sure are a thin-skinned, insecure bunch. Detroit is one of the most crime ridden cities in the country. People are going to talk about it. Deal with it. Crying about it and trying to sweep it under the rug with BS like "b-b-b-but chicago has violence too!" only serves to marginalize what is a serious and tragic quality of life issue for many residents.
Yeah, um, I don't know where you're getting that on this thread. I think I pretty clearly admitted that violent crime is a problem in Detroit. What I'm trying to get at is what's driving some posters' incessant focus on violent crime in Detroit at the expense of everything else. I get the sense that these voices are the ones trying to sweep something under the rug, namely that, in certain neighborhoods, in certain ways, things are beginning to change in the city for the better. And this ongoing narrow and continual focus on crime seems to seek to drown out that discussion.

All big cities have violent crime. But not all big cities are surrounded by communities that damn the central city for its crime problems.