Quote Originally Posted by compn View Post
i dont doubt that the state has the power to replace mayors and take power away from cities.

seriously, just call kevin orr the mayor and bing/duggan the co-mayor-elect or whatever. arguing about whos the boss is moot.

but everyone MUST be upset how the entire state of voters specifically voted down the EM law and then the legislators turned around and put in a new EM law. thats the part that is unconstitutional and anti-democratic and anti-voter.

whens the last time you saw a legislature be that much against the people of the state?
I do agree that cramming an EM bill down the throats of the voters was at the edge of responsible actions. But the city's actions for the last couple decades has long been past the edge of responsible action.

Voters voted. And they got legislators. Those legislators decided it was more important to get this law right to fix Detroit than it was to respect the intent of the majority of voters who elected them. When voters deny reality, somethings gotta give. The legislators decided it was better to break a few eggs than let Detroit go through the real pain of bankruptcy without an Emergency Manager. Yes, it was a stretch of voters intentions using technicalities. But that happens all day long in politics. Do you think voters would approve half the bills passed if they could individually vote on each and every one?

I mostly agree with the voters, however. If the citizens wanted to let Detroit rot and die through painful bankruptcy without a powerful representation, I think we should have allow them the right to effectively Kevorkian themselves.