Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
Citations, please..
No you provide citations, please. You are the one making the outlandish claims. Census data is easily accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
And this isn't recycled. These are statistics from last Sunday's paper which you, predictably, obfuscate with non-sequiters about the South. ..
No, you're making up stuff. The Free Press said that people are moving to the South, Midwest, and West. It did not say that people are moving to cities, which was your false claim.

If your point is that Chicagoland has the largest amount of incoming and outgoing Michiganders, I suggest you consult a map. Chicagoland begins about 10 minutes from the Michigan border, and is the third largest metro area in the nation.

Obviously Chicagoland will have the most former Michiganders. This has been true since there was a Michigan, and will be true forever, because if you have a 10 million metro next to your state, and no other metro even half the size within a days drive, obviously that metro will be a huge source of incoming/outgoing residents.

The only larger metro areas are NYC and LA, and they are obviously extremely far from Michigan. The next largest metro areas, SF, DC, Dallas, Houston, Philly, Boston, Seattle, Atlanta, and Miami, are all nowhere near Michigan, and smaller than Chicago.