Quote Originally Posted by brizee View Post
I really don't know.

I have nothing against James. I wasn't as in love as the media has been but he's been doing...ok.

I just think the buck stops at the top. And hopefully with enough embarassments he'll stay away from cameras for awhile.
Mr. Craig seemed pretty upset that the Kush got off so easily. He launched an investigation less than 24 hours after he learned of the incident, I know that much.

I would really love to see Craig put some serious pressure on the dealers that choose to deal outside of a school. I mean, seriously, that is just unforgivable. As much as any of disagree with drug policies or treatment policies or drug laws or whatever, doing it right outside of a high school is some other kind of BS. Kinda wish Kush would swerve his car into those dealers. 2 birds 1 stone and all.