Today was a good day for DDOT, celebrating the opening of the Rosa Parks Transit Center.

It was good to know that there were bike racks provided along with video surveillance for them as well. The DPD Transit Police along with extra security is there to keep people in line.

I'm happy to know that I don't have to smell piss all over the place anymore like I did when I was at Capitol Park.

However, some things just never change.

I asked a DDOT employee when were all of the buses would have bike racks equipped. I never received an answer.

When you look at how DDOT has been managed lately and the elimination of the Express Service routes, it is obvious that like rest of Detroit, it is mismanaged.

When the Express Service routes were created, there was a charge of $2.00. There was a temporary discount available to those who had bus cards. The express routes only ran in the morning and during the evening.

After the discounts faded, it was just $2.00. People didn't ride it because of the extra cost. The routes were eliminated.

The Bikes on Buses program that started with the services being available on the Russell route on a trial basis. Over time the buses with the bike racks were seen on other routes, unused.

When I tried to use one on Grand River, I was refused, the driver said that my wheels were too big. I didn't believe her, and wasn't given a chance to prove her wrong. Frustrated, I just kept going on my bike since I was close to my destination anyway.

According to DDOT's webpage: "In 2009, DDOT will begin a program to equip all buses with bike racks."

It is July.

Where are they?

DDOT is supposed to get money from the feds as a result of that stmulius package. It seems to me that things there are business as usual.