I've long thought that Michigan was screwed in a sense by having cities like Detroit, Port Huron, and Sault Ste. Marie cut off politically and economically from the natural extensions of each respective metro by an arbitrary border. Think about it. What would Cleveland be like, for example, if it hadn't been able to annex Ohio City on the other side of the river because Ohio City was in another flippin' country? Or if San Francisco residents couldn't drive to Oakland without first going through border patrol? And need I mention Brooklyn and Manhattan? All would've been huge game changers, but we never really think about the impact similar factors have had on Detroit because the division between the city and Windsor was already so historic by the time Detroit really boomed.

Just look at all the supposed positives we're supposed to receive from this bridge deal with Canada. Now imagine if such negotiations didn't have to be brokered between two sovereign nations, but were instead handled within a single city or truly unified metropolitan area? The gains in efficiency would be immense. Instead, we have competing casinos and other nonsense. Bah.

Ah, if only Canadians knew what was good for 'em.