Mr. Orr digs up an old story and turns it into a prop to support his agenda.

If I am correct, I believe that is worth 1000 hours of Mr. Orr's legal team's services.

And would Mr. Kilpatrick ever have let this happen!

The cheque was found in a city hall desk drawer in March, a month after it was received. Four months later the city collapsed into bankruptcy...

“Nobody sends million-dollar cheques anymore - they wire the money,” said a spokesman for Kevyn Orr, a bankruptcy expert hired by the state in March to stop Detroit's fiscal freefall.

“We have financial systems that are three, four, five decades in the past," he added. “If we can fix those issues, then we’ll be able to provide services better, faster, more efficiently and cheaper.”

The city’s income-tax receipts are processed by hand, part of the 70% of accounting entries done manually, according to the spokesman. Last year the US Internal Revenue Service described Detroit’s tax-collection system as “catastrophic”, with some bills going uncollected for six years.