My grandfather, Quirino Ceccarelli, built homes in East Dearborn before working at Ford. He lived on Reuter not too far from Hemlock Park. Swimming in the summer and ice skating in the winter. Watching out for the trains on the track. And an incased slide that NEVER smelled good. But, as a kid, I loved hanging out there with my cousin. It was a very Italian neighborhood at the time with all the neighbors on the block either being related by blood or through their heritage.

Vegetables were always growing in the yard...a large fig tree...grape incredible house...character and love in that neighborhood. I miss it.

My first record was bought at Peaches' on Schaefer by my little grandpa. And, I always loved going to Alcamos. I no longer live close enough to go on a regular basis, but when I am in the area, I will stop at New Yasmeen Bakery and Alcamos in the same trip. Yes, things have changed and I miss the Italian influence.