We have watched in a very passive nature of some form as all sorts of historic degradation of our cultural architectural assets happened. Whether it was the old city hall, the Lafayette building, the fourth street train depot, the warehouse district, the Michigan Central Station, Brush Park, the beautiful buildings along Park Avenue, Palmer Park, old Tiger Stadium, the equally beautiful residential apartment district at Chicago and Linwood or what ever. I visited Savannah Georgia several years ago and it was a women's club that saved that city from the ravages of urban renewal of the late 50's and early 60's. The invective on this forum that we need to tear down everything is loud. There is the equally popular phrase that they've invested in the city and they are going to put a new building there and nobody is there to throw money at the old building anyway. I was very disheartened when the county moved into the Guardian Building which was a building which I thought could take care of itself. There is no other use for the Old County Building other than government. Preservation Detroit doesn't seem to have the wherewithall to do much and there is no body with real money to step up. I seem to remember reading an article about the County Building where it was stated that it was the finest building in the NW territories[[at least the states that encompassed it). What's to become of it and is there some Guardian Angel or Women's club.