While I realize that he is even less eligible for the ballot than Duggan, he is saying and doing the things that should have been done ages ago. Yes, we are so indebted that people owed money will only get a fraction of it. That sucks big time. But there is no alternative. It is a painful truth. Slashing benefits for retirees is harsh and terrible, but necessary. There is no source of revenue to pay all that money back. AND he is saying that to prosper down the line we need lower taxes, working street lights, and lower crime! If he were gay I might propose [[he can fight Dan Gilbert for my affection). Mr. Orr has recommended amputations and chemotherapy, and the patient might just come out alive. In light of his brutal honesty, I am supporting him for mayor. I will write him in when he I vote. I might even vote for him for city council as well. And when he's done with the city government, he needs to go take a look at the books, contracts & operations of Wayne County. God Bless Kevyn Orr.