Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
The poaching phrase is borrowed from His Holiness, L. Brooks Patterson. He used it when referring to something-or-other leaving his fiefdom for the city. When businesses leave for glorious Oakland County, it's called growth. When they leave Oakland County for Detroit, it's "poaching" on Detroit's part. Whatever. I'm not sure how he's still alive, or worse yet, relevant.

Great news. I work in Midtown. While my job generally sucks, the benefits of working in Midtown makes it a lot more bearable. We get to walk to coffee for lunch, or I can stop by the library. I sometimes stop at the DIA on Fridays after work. That is to say nothing of happy hour! I'd rather be set on fire than work in some shitty 1980's office park in Troy.

I don't really mind city income tax but I do believe it is a case for reform. Give incentives for people living in the city, dipshits, not the other way around. Take a play from Gilbert instead of doing the same dumb shit that hasn't worked for decades.
Why of course it would be Brooksie. He can be a real idiot sometimes; brilliant others. Just like his identical twin Coleman.

Closing comment on 'same dumb shit' is exactly right. Too many people just think its about money. I've paid Detroit taxes 99% of my life, and I don't think they were unreasonable. But Detroit just doesn't need the money. What it needs money can't buy.