Quote Originally Posted by wolverine View Post
People don't realize that on a federal or regional level their taxes and user fees are always being shifted around to different communities.

I can thank you all for your financial assistance for the new tile platforms at my subway station, just as you can thank me for my contributions of that new overpass you cross to get to work.

I'm sorry to those communities, but opting out of an RTA is not a choice regardless of whether buses run through your community.

There should be next to decent bus service to and from any suburb of a major city. This is what a big city is about. If suburbs are left with the mistaken belief that they are small towns in the middle of nowhere, that they dont need to contribute to a metropolitan area, they are clearly not taking in the big picture. At one point, it will be important to remind folks that rooting for the Lions and the Wings is not enough of a commitment to Detroitness maybe, let's hope that this comes sooner than later. Think of Los Angeles and how far that city has come in the past 30 years in terms of integrated transit. Mind you, the municipality is massive. The best way for Detroit metro to get to that point is to merge municipal responsibilities to an extent. The usual package would comprise Police, fire, EMS, school boards, and transit. The strength of a regional police force would certainly be a great leap forward, better security and all that comes with it; investment, real estate value increases etc...