Really dumbfuck?

“I think Kevyn probably takes his lead more from Lansing than he does me at this point. I think he spends an inordinate amount of time with Lansing,”
Oh my God.

Bing estimated that he spends about two hours a week with Orr: “I don’t think that’s enough. I think I can give him good advice. It’s up to him whether he accepts or rejects it.
And the fact Bing has the brass balls to imply anyone should listen more to Detroiters.

Like when they elected you to be a MAYOR to serve with a council. Not a dictator, and not an advisor to one.

Like when the city overwhelmingly rejected this law.

Like when it was clear the citizens wanted you to fight the appointment of Snyders puppet. Which you made it seem as if you would, until you decided it would suit you better to make city council the straw boogiemen.

When he doesn't make it past the August primary can the citizens Apollo hook his ass out of town?