Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
You've read where the City had to return funds granted by the Feds to knock down derelict buildings, and in another case, return money to clothe people for the work force. I know you don't like the EFM, Brizee, but he DOES have a point. Evertime I read another story where someone has been raped, shot, bought drugs, or a body found in an abandoned building, I wonder why this structure is still standing in the middle of the neighborhood? Handing out money is one thing, making sure it actually gets spent what it's allotted for is another.
I was agreeing with him.

And though I think the entire way this went down is complete and utter horseshit, I think my posting history proves I'm capable of giving credit where it's due.

PS. Did anyone see the article about Bing being blindsided by SEMCOG taking money from DDOT? This guy really needs to just go sit down somewhere, because I'm getting tired of insulting him.