Quote Originally Posted by TexasT View Post
The businesses that donated the police cars are simply doing what they can to help the police situation - I don't think it is putting lipstick on a pig any more than me cleaning up my yard is putting lipstick on the pig that is the blight of the city. I am happy to have the new cars. While I won't bash their donation, I don't think it solves any fundamental problems with DPD. It needs a structural reorganization and institutional overhaul.
The cars are needed because, of course, the city Fathers thought it was more important to address the actual structure then the equipment, diligence, response time, and crime stats. Instead of providing a safe, secure environment, they deemed it more important to provide a symbol. Does it makes sense to sink $65 mil into a station, and have other stations operating during our normal business hours of 8-5? Then cutting the salaries of the people actually doing the work? To me it doesn't. It shows a serious lack of leadership and priorities. And until you seriously address these issues, you have nothing but fluff.