Since the basic problems of the city recur through wildly varied individuals over many hundreds of years' time, from the best of my ability to analyze, I recognize the roots as spiritual. The same stories basically pop up periodically throughout Detroit's history, with increasing ferocity each cycle. Which puts changing them out-of-reach of anyone who chooses not to believe in such things.

Of course, that makes the next fire in Detroit a whopper, but we might've done it in segments annually at the end of October. Basically appeasing whatever fire spirit or Nain Rouge that gets a tickle out of this hot destruction...until we introduced Angel's Night, so the appeasement account is likely running dry.

And we're overdue for the next race riot.

Had the bad, extra-ordinarily corrupt mayor, so we're due a Pingree.

As soon as drugs are legalized, our gangs will likely quit their public machine-gunning and get into other graft with less direct competition with the Feds. That is what seemed to happen when Prohibition ended.

There is more, but I need to get going. I read Detroit's history as a series of repeating spiritually-inspired events. Then again, to the mystic every problem seems etheric, not unlike the hammer seeing everything as nails.
