We all hate them. They are illegal and still they come. You know the drill -- an unrecognized phone number, a pause after you say hello as the robo-tape connects or a text message with a clickable number to dial.

Take/make the call, look at your watch and play the fight back game.

Your score in the game is how many minutes your were able to tie down their sales staff by leading them on. I believe that if even a small percentage of people played this game, it would put an end to this business.

You don't have the time? Not to worry. They do all the talking so you can continue doing other things without much listening. They will be happy to repeat. Need a break? Put them on hold while you 'answer the door' or 'try to find a pencil'.

Warning: NEVER follow a text message link [or email link either]. These can lead to drive-by sites that may infect your computer with adware or worse. Other personal data-mining sites will offer something like a laptop but then guide one through several pages of forms requiring personal data, throwing offers in front of one until one gets exasperated and quits trying to get to the laptop. The Feds just busted one such ring the other day.