Quote Originally Posted by Lowell View Post
Just curious, do you know if the house from which they were evicted was also squatted? What happend to it? As he seems to have the lines about squatters' rights so handy it may be that he has been through the process previously.

Then there is the heartstring factor, a two parent family with five kids, and the grandparents in winter.

You got dealt a tough hand devman1983 no matter how you play it. Good luck.
The part you mentioned was in the back of my mind. I tend to be one of those people that at times do more good than I should. At some point you have to ask, "Will these people totally ruin my life." According to the OP they are ripping stuff out. It's a matter of me or them at this point. They'd be relocated to a shelter if this went forward as a case of breaking and entering and vandalism....it's actually not trespassing.