Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh has announced that he will not seek re-election this fall. He plans to return to broadcast media as told in an interview with the Freep's Rochelle Riley. Link.

Pugh said he was proudest to achieve his main goal of "restoring dignity and respect and order to the council."

The council's reputation "had spiraled to an all-time low with public fights and unethical decisions by people who are now returning from prison," he said. "I am Detroit! ... I wanted to help restore a level of respect and trust."
I am sure the above will draw some guffaws, but I think few can argue that at the antic level council has been a far more dignified than the low bar set by previous councils.

Personally I find this disappointing. I think the Pugh is arguably the most articulate member of Council in a long time with unquestioned intelligence. That said, and with the chaos of city politics, I can't blame him either and wish him luck.