there is at least one decent Indian restaurant in Hamtramck, but I can never remember which one it is. I LOVE samosas, chana dal, kofta currie.

What Detroit has is Thai in abundance, and it is so much better than Thai I've had in NY, DC, Chicago, Atlanta, Philly and a few other cities. You have to ask for "hot" in all of those places to even get a hint of a burn.

I was at an Indian restaurant in Rotorua, ordered the chana dal hot, they brought it out slightly warm. At the end of the meal, the waiter brought out a brass pot with the chili paste in it. I took a spoonful, added it to my around-the-same-size last bite and ate it. Looked up at the waiter and said now THAT is hot. He left with a "what the hell" look on his face, we paid the bill and walked out before I allowed myself to gasp in pain