Quote Originally Posted by Wheels View Post
Saddam hated Chaldean's for their Christian beliefs. He was part of the party take over that hastened the exit of the Chaldean's. The money was all political BS with our government as he was a puppet to the US at that time. There was never any love lost between the Chaldean's and Saddam other then for show. The S H is for Sacred Heart.
Saddam was actually a moderating influence over the more extreme Shia element. When Saddam's favoriteand most trusted body guard [[Chaldean) was murdered by his own son Ouday, Saddam had Ouday tortured for weeks on end. Yes Saddam was no saint, but he lived by the rules in the region. Tariq Aziz was forced to accept a demotion to deputy prime minister by the Shia undercurrent, even though Saddam wanted to keep Aziz as prime minister. In fact the Iran/Iraq war began over by Iranian Shia agents throwing a grenade at Tariq Aziz and Saddam standing up for his friend. Yet the final sign of what Saddam Hussein was/felt might be his last hideout and what were on the walls..... Very little of that remains on the web today...
"Beyond the kitchen in a small bedroom hung a calendar showing pictures of Noah's Ark. Christian images of the Last Supper and the Virgin Mary hung from the walls."