Check out video. You can actually see samples of their work and designs featuring cases covered in the news. Mr. Lovejoy has owned and operated his business for 30 years...

From article:

"How many R.I.P. shirts would you say you think you've bought?" I asked Taliyah Brown.

"Like five now," she answered.

"How old are you?"


But this time Brown and her sisters were making a shirt for their brother, 18-year-old True Whitsey, a college student home for break senselessly murdered on Detroit's west side Thursday night.

"What does this shirt mean to you?" I asked her.

"A lot because my big brother [is] not here [any] more with me," she said.

Her story and ones like it are exactly why Marvin Lovejoy's business has more than doubled. He opened Lovejoy International more than 30 years ago.