For over 45 years the borders of Detroit Grosse Pointe Park from Mack to Alter Rd. and further down to Jefferson Ave. has been racially and property demarcated. So far there is a wall diving Mack Ave. from Alter Rd. to Moross St. between Black ghettohoods of Morningside and East English Village and the back alley between the neighborhoods of Wayburn St and Alter Rd to E. Jefferson St. It's been there ever since.

Now putting up a real concrete demarcation wall separating a blighted East Side Detroit ghettohoods from the rich white residents of Grosse Pointe Park by closing Kercheval and Vernor Rd. will not solve violent crime problems. MDOT and Detroit will approve this racist proposal. There always going to be crime everywhere. We can't eliminate it, only control it. This wall will not happen, but it does protest and TEAR DOWN THAT WALL!