Quote Originally Posted by Bad Brains View Post
I never said I don't like HIM, I'm sure we would probably get along fine if we ever met. I just don't like how he's plugging his site here constantly. If he was doing something original and interesting I'd look the other way on the plugs, but his site is just unoriginal, mediocre, and with questionable content.

He has to have some sort of creditability before he can spout himself off as the deep inspirational "journalist" he claims to be. So far he has none. If someone was truly a "Muckraker", they wouldn't need to label them self one on their own webpage. We would be able to figure that out on our own based on the creditability and quality of his work.
He's not the only poster here guilty of running a shameless commerce division, @ least his costs you nothing. It's not hard core journalism by any stretch of the imagination, but I can't imagine going through life just "Clicking On 4".
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.