Caught this story on the news last night...I think Channel 4, our most-commonly watched news source.

They say 13 deaths can be attributed to Five Hour Energy over four years. I don't know their sales figures, but remember from an earlier article that they are STUPENDOUS.

What this reads to certain litigation attorneys is unlimitedly deep pockets.

Fuckers are trying to pick 'em clean. I hate litigation attorneys who create problems they can profit from.

IF 5-Hour Energy were a health problem, MANY MANY MANY more people would be dying. They sell these wee bottles by the pallet-load at CostCo.

I don't consume 'energy drinks', but see this as an obvious attack. I'm still wondering what Taurine truly is...knowing how the scientists name things, I guess it at least originally was from bull piss. Because at least Red Bull and the rest of 'em taste tainted.

But the Five-Hour Energy guy got me taking more Vitamin B supplements, which have done wonders for me...