From what I've read...... the investigators have released nothing helpful for the hundreds of thousands of commuters who pass through this corridor every week.

Wouldn't it be helpful if people knew to be looking in the foliage or at the cars passing by on the other side of the median? Or if this was someone driving up next to the targets? How about if these incidents are happening at night, or in the morning or if there is no pattern at all?

Spread the news and we'll get him. I'm always very aware of my surroundings while I drive. I imagine there are a few other people who share this trait and could be a huge asset in finding this freak.

Also, once he is found and convicted with overwhelming evidence against him..... I say we string him up and dangle him from the 96/275 overpass. Should send the right message to the next berserker gunman who wants to be a messenger of the devil or whatever bat shit crazy reason they use to justify their sick, perverted actions.