Quote Originally Posted by detroitsgwenivere View Post
Welcome to detroityes wakeupcall. Thank YOU for giving me the benefit of the doubt. You're right, I would never wish harm to firefighters for any reason. I didnt think I would need to specifically state that...

I will not be harassed off of this thread. This is MY town, hence the tag...
Yes, but the DYES wakeup call also applies to exaggeration. Which none of those critical of your post ever implied you "wished harm" upon the firefighters.

It's completely understandable to be a skeptic of the situation without all the facts, but it goes both ways. Making an immediate assumption that there could be some rationalized behavior of the civilians has some undertones and is likely to spark reaction.....especially when it applies to a conflicting situation involving people who allegedly are causing trouble and those who save lives.

I'll admit it was rude of me to suggest you stop posting in this thread. But I question why you posted exactly what you did.