The following is not a biased statements against Mormons.

Many Evangelical Christians are fervent in their belief that Mormons are a cult. They believe that Mormonism is a false religion.

The wording of the Mormon Bible deviates greatly from the Holy Bible used by Christians today.

For example, the Mormons up until 1978 did not allow blacks into their temple unless they were servant to a white man. In 1978 their doctrine did not change due to a "change of heart", but due to the fact that President Jimmy Carter was going to remove their tax-exempt status for their bigoted stance.

So, with many of the falsehood of the Mormon Bible, can Evangelical Christians vote for Mitt Romney when he is a Mormon Bishop.

Why vote against your beliefs?

I believe that Americans that you should vote for your convictions and not on popularity.

I believe that the best choice for the Conservatism in America is Virgil Goode of the Constitution Party.

The Constitution Party has a true Conservative Platform that Evangelical Conservatives can believe in.