Unemployment! Let’s do the arithmetic!

The unemployment figures comes from the World Almanac, 2010 version.

From 1950 to 1985, in five year increments: 5.9 % unemployment.
From 1986 to 1997, in each annual year: 6.0 % “
From 1998 to 2008, in each annual year: 5.8 % “

In the year 2009, it was 9.3. That was an increase of 3.5 %. I did not use that one in the above

Would it be reasonable to say that we have a static unemployment of nearly 6.0 %?
Today it is around 8.5. That is 2.5 % higher than the average.

Certainly any increase over the average is not very good for the economy.

BUT, I have never heard of practically anyone, candidates, reporters and especially, the politicians in general, who dared to say, “the sky is not falling, although a few pieces are.”

I was in the job market doing many of those years. In 1980 to 83, when I began thinking about retiring. the unemployment figure hung around the 7.0+ and the economy slowed down quite a bit.

Today, 8.5 is not acceptable but I believe it is more of a political hammer for both sides.
3.5 hurts many people, most of whom are poor.

Neither side has a magic wand. That, you can bet on!