Posted by Neal Rubin [[The Detroit News) on Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 1:43 AM
Magic Johnson, magical indeed

Magic Johnson delayed a Hawaiian vacation to attend the Cass Community Social Services fireworks party Wednesday night. He flew off before dark with several hundred new friends and fewer courtside seats.
CCSS' annual fireworks fundraiser takes place in the best possible spot: Coach Insignia, the glass-walled restaurant atop the tallest tower of the Renaissance Center. By way of full disclosure, my wife's public relations company represents both the restaurant and Cass, which we've also both been known to volunteer with.
Among the things that make the party and the venue unique: Great food at a strolling buffet, including lobster corn dogs, scallops the size of hockey pucks and rack of lamb. An open bar. Fireworks at eye level. And, most important, air conditioning.
This year there was also Johnson, who may have been even cooler than the A/C. He shook hands, posed for pictures, signed autographs and was fundamentally gracious. Then he grabbed a microphone and offered up an auction item.
The prize: Signed replica jerseys from his days with Michigan State University and the Los Angeles Lakers. And his courtside seat for a Lakers game. And four seats a few rows behind that one. And, he said, if he's in town on the date of whichever game the winner chooses, dinner with him.
When the bidding hit $5,500, he stopped. Tell you what, he told the two competitors -- if you'll each pony up $5,500, you'll receive identical packages. They agreed ... and then four other people said heck, let me in on this.
OK, Johnson said.
If you're keeping score at home, that's $33,000 to support the good works of CCSS, which deals with homeless families, mentally impaired adults, mentally ill homeless men, and assorted other people who generally get ignored.
Johnson conceded that he has plenty of jerseys. As for the courtside seats next to Dyan Cannon and the other tickets, he said, "I'm just glad there's 41 home games."