I caught this while searching out other things, but thought I'd share it with y'all. Hoping it might help someone.


I like his conclusion:

What you can do is choose whole foods your grandmother served and not those your mom turned to as grocery store aisles filled with manufactured foods. By eliminating inflammatory foods and adding essential nutrients from fresh unprocessed food, you will reverse years of damage in your arteries and throughout your body from consuming the typical American diet.

He doesn't go into High Fructose Corn Syrup, but I've heard in the past that this scores the lining of the arteries also and allows cholesterol something to glom onto.

I have been gravitating to a diet fully within his recommendations for years...against the forceful instructions from the FDA and others.

I don't care how they want to screw with the term Organic...first by bastardizing it by a severe codification process which eliminated many of the smaller scale farmers who have always done the 'right' things...then by allowing procedures which diluted and even violated the whole 'organic' meme. Corporations did this through buying the FDA.

Then years later, they make some study that proves what they've done...make organic mean nothing.

Whatever, screw THEM...buy local, and for that which is not growable in our climate...learn the source. It is not tough to do in today's information age.

Read your food labels. When there are ingredients which sound more like your high school and college science labs instead of an actual recipe for human food...just put it back on the shelf. No worries, the chemicals guarantee it'll be just the same state when the next person buys it.

Surely, food 'patriotism' should include moments of actively defending your fellow citizen from this scourge, but I cannot welcome doing anything more than simply putting it back on the shelf. We have to let everyone learn and act for themselves.

Cheers, anyways...this Dogfish Head World Wide Stout which Sonny had stashed in his back room is making me think of dreams, so I gotta go find 'em.