Quote Originally Posted by mjs View Post
So, we finally agree that the end game is a socialist form of care! Thank god! I thought we'd never get you to admit that.

Who's trying to get me to admit what?

That I'm a socialist? If so, then you're right! I've always been a socialist.

You say it as if it's a dirty word, say, like being a Republican.

I only wish Obama was as socialist. He's not even a progressive as far as the rest of us socialists are concerned.

Give me Dennis Kucinich or Bernie Sanders as president any day of the week.

Yeah, a socialized medical system on the European model, which is enjoyed by millions, is what America should aspire to.

Enough with capitalist pigs trying to squeeze the last drop of blood out of the stone that is our paralyzed economic engine.

The capitalist model has failed, and is now being propped up by continuing a bubble which will only break again. Obama needed to nationalize all banks, and send a clear message to the fascists who brought us to this place, that we're taking back our government.

Sadly, Obama is more of a Republican than George Tush was, just not stupid, or as personally reprehensible, and is proving how centrist he really is more and more as time goes by.