I believe the Primetime Live segment on Detroit from 1990 has been brought up before on here. Well I accidentaly stumbled upon this segment on Youtube the other day. If you search for "Detroit's Agony" on YouTube you can view this as well.

It is truly amazing that in 22 years, the more things change, the more they stay the same. If this aired today, it would still seem 90% relevent. Some of it is an exageration I believe however. Also, they may the play the race card and blame things on race even a little too much in my opinion. While 22 years ago, race relations may have been much worse than they are now, I still don't know if it was always this much of a Black vs. White thing. The city at the time was 70% Black, yet this segment acts like it was 95% Black with no Blacks living in the suburbs.

Also, Coleman Young acted more like a fool than I even remember! What an embarassment.