rb, "The Gold standard" ="No State shall...make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.

There is no conflict with the other parts of the Constitution you jotted down. For instance, Roosevelt devalued the dollar by regulating the value thereof. Assuming Congress authorized that, it was Constitutional. We maintained this gold standard until Richard Nixon ended it. Until 1974, we could swap our paper dollars for silver at any bank upon demand. Without the gold standard, the mega-bank owned federal reserve can print and lend out money as it sees fit without congressional oversight and has done so.

Thank you for affirming that in Belgium the money follows the children allowing the parents some say. I don't know what your point or fetish is about control. Every school district in the US, public or private, has a curriculum. So do most homeschool moms. I'm always glad to see home schoolers doing so well. It's such a libertarian concept, almost all the homeschoolers I know have done well, and they show that Washington's meddling is not needed.

""unaffordable health care plan"? how so?" We presently have a health care system that is unaffordable to many Americans. Obamacare maintains the lawyers, expands the number of bureaucrats, expands the roles of insurance companies, and protects big pharmaceutical from real competition. The affordability issue is transferred from the poor to middle class taxpayers. Adding the bureaucrats doesn't make it societally more affordable. We will just pay higher insurance premiums and higher taxes.

If a plan is from Washington and blankets the entire Country, it is 'centalized" planning. You confuse capitalism with corporatism. Capitalism promotes ruthless competition. Corporatism is about the collusion of corporations with government as in Obamacare.

Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook come to mind as examples of companies that came to market essentially without government help but what has that got to do with libertarianism?

"Liberty" is a word used as freely in totalitarian states as elsewhere. Indeed, it could almost be said that wherever liberty as we know it has been destroyed, this has been done in the name of some new freedom promised to the people. Even among us we have planners who promise us a "collective freedom," which is as misleading as anything said by totalitarian politicians. "Collective freedom" is not the freedom of the members of society but the unlimited freedom of the planner to do with society that which he pleases.

-Road To Serfdom