Quote Originally Posted by Dexlin View Post
Hey, these are the consequences of privatization. This is what you get when you operate city services to make a profit. The funny thing is that they say that 40% of the lights don't work at any given time, anyway, and the city certainly doesn't have the money to fix them, so it sounds like taking them down is simply formalizing what's already been reality in the city for years, now. The other funny thing is that if they continued business as usual, people would be bitching about why the department is not cutting costs.
Recognizing that this will be painful for the neighborhoods that get cut, I see this is as a net positive. The city is finally doing what needed to start 30 years ago...choose neighborhoods that are viable and throw all their resources at saving those areas. Triage.

50 wounded soldiers on the battlefield. I can try to save them all and watch them all die. Or I can pick the 10-15 that are savable and throw everything we can at saving them.

Sad thing is that had we started the process 30 years ago, we probably would've been able to save more soldiers.