Quote Originally Posted by daddeeo View Post
I'm afraid this is another grandstander move. Hope I'm wrong.
A better idea would be to get people not afraid to turn in bad guys.
That "don't snitch" slogan is for morons.

There's a lot more to the no snitch culture thats going to make it a lot harder to get rid of than just slogans.

A lot of people who might be snitches are in the periphery of the crime culture themselves, they might not be doing crimes but they have relatives, friends that do, or they may have benefitted themselves by getting hot merchandise etc. News travel fast in the hood people figure out pretty quickly who dropped a dime on them.

Which brings me to my next point. For many folks not snitching is a matter of survival. Rightly or wrongly people believe the police cannot protect someone who snitches which encourages people to stay quiet. Its easy to talk about no-snitching when you live miles away from the people you snitched on. When you live around the corner or down the block chances of people finding out you snitched on them is painfully real

There's not an easy answer to no snitching and some people who do step up and tell are very brave but unfortunately not everyone is like that.