If I were a Detroit Police Officer, do you really believe that I would want to live on a street in Detroit and have everyone there know I was a cop? Absolutely not! The residents are afraid of the thugs coming back and killing them for "snitching"....what would happen to a cops home or family?

Nailed it. Firebombs or rape. And if you don't believe it look at Charlie LeDuff's story here on the sort of person Judge Vonda Evans let out of jail on $500 bond one recent week-end. Mr. Torture the Snitches himself. Who wants that for his/her family:

Problem number one in Detroit is that nobody knows anything. Problem number two is we have a bunch of bad dudes marauding through the city without an consequences. Case in point? Rafael "Ra-Ra" Dean, who stands accused of torturing men with hot forks over a pair of stolen tennis shoes.
His latest escapade? Police allege that last week Dean was annoyed with a neighbor who had the gull to tell the cops about a domestic violence incident in the neighborhood.
According to the arrest report, four of Dean's guys beat the witness to a pulp while Dean blasted a .45 past his head.
Also according to that report, Dean said, "This is how we do thing around here."
Dean was locked up.
Now, unbelievably, a circuit court judge not even involved in Dean's case ordered him released for the weekend on $500 bail. This has cops freaked out because Dean is one bad dude. His arrest record is pages long.
"2008 -- murder ... 2009 -- torture, mayhem ... four prior convictions ... three drug convictions for which he went to prison -- separate ones ... one firearm conviction for which he went to prison," said Lieutenant Chuck Flannagan with the Detroit Police Department. "And now we have a fresh case where he did an assault with intent to do great bodily harm."
Problem number three in Detroit? The lieutenant says it is lenient judges.