So it is being reported across local media. The 1500 number was cited on WDET. The Detroit news puts the number at 'about half' of the current force of 2700.

The offer seems very generous and no doubt it would they would be warmly welcomed.

My question is, if this is not working why not instead give a similar offer to the cops who are staying in Detroit now? Work on keeping what you have. Hopefully there is one. Otherwise it seems to be rewarding those who left / never lived vs. those who are there making a difference.

Here's how the program works: Nonprofits and the Detroit Land Bank use federal money to fix homes in Boston Edison, East English Village, North Rosedale Park and Green Acres.The homes are then offered to police and firefighters living in the suburbs, who can qualify for up to $25,000 in forgivable mortgage loans.

A similar deal recently was extended to all other city employees, who can get up to $15,000 in mortgage help.

The mortgage assistance comes from private banks, and participants pay normal property tax rates. More than 100 non-public safety employees have started the buying process.

From The Detroit News: