Quantum Mechanics is a pretty broad field of study. Some theory is pretty well hammered down - models of valence shells and nuclear interaction are fairly well understood. Once you get down to the meson / quark level things get foggier.

Now, keep in mind that the effects seen at this level [[subatomic particles) STAY at this level. That means that the existence of quantum teleportation does not mean that anything other than incredibly tiny, barely existent particles can teleport. Also, these weirder effects only operate under fairly specific conditions that normally don't occur in nature.

What all this means is the following:

1 - Anyone claiming some gizmo or supernatural ability is powered by quantum entanglement or teleportation is full of crap - it's akin to saying you can push mountains around by throwing marbles at them - quantum particles do not operate on a finely grained deterministic model

2 - The universe may be holographic, and most of your mass may be some sort of illusion and your body is actually mostly void, but you won't be able to perceive anything differently. Even if you could, you wouldn't want to, as other quantum effects would necessarily creep in, and everything you perceive would basically be completely random and incomprehensible.