And frankly, the edited call from NBC bears no weight on whether or not Zimmerman was justified in killing an unarmed teenager. And I really hate that people are being distracted by all of the nonsense about the call and the slight bruise on his head. The call only plays into whether or not it was a hate crime, but hate crime or not, it still needs to be a murder or manslaughter trial. Head bruise or not, you don't pull out a gun and shoot someone because they overpowered you in a fight that you started. And its obvious that his little head butt did not result in serious injury or "near diaperdom" as he has claimed. Had Zimmerman not had a gun, there might have been two males fighting and rolling around in the grass until police found them, and one or both might have had some bruises but they both would have gone home alive.

The racial profiling just adds another layer to what is still a "possible" manslaughter case.