If you don't know by now you don't live in Detroit. The Bing Admin is the most incompetent administration this city has ever seen. So why has the media been so quiet about it??? If anything, he needs to be dragged through the mud like they did you know who.

Me and a lot of other citizens would much rather have Kwame back, or whoever else cause Bing is a carpetbagger who doesn't have a clue, or has a clue but his true goals don't line up w/ what the citizens want.

I wonder why the media hasn't blown up the WHISTLEBLOWER lawsuit filed against him??? Remember they paid her 200k to keep her mouth shut. She claimed he was plotting w/ the Governor to get the city taken over. That seems pretty significant to me. More significant than a damn affair. Whatcha think??? And anyone who can say he's doing a good job don't live in the city I betcha my pay check.