My memories of "Two Plus Two Is On My Mind" by the Bob Seger System is of a viscerally compelling and extremely angry song, that I had hoped would have been rediscovered by some local band during the Iraq-Afghanistan wars era. I have personally approached several bands but they politely listen to me and go on with their original music - so be it.

Maybe the problem is that there has never been a real war protest over our military experiences in the Middle East, so no interest in exploring covering 2+2=?

But what a song!

All you have to do - young musicians of Detroit - is to change the lyric:
foreign jungle land to foreign desert land and you would have an updated version - Also, the bass guitar should dominate, actually take the lead, even more so than in the original.

If you have been to as many VA hospitals as I have and seen the miracles performed their, and realize that as a visitor you are quickly out numbered by wheelchairs and scooters you begin to understand the human cost that modern warfare inflicts.