You can't just get them from Meijer. They taste much better when you get them from Hamtramck after standing in line for two hours with the temprature around 27 degrees.

Are they overhyped? Sure, but to me they're much more than a paczki or a donut. It's about my heritiage, it ushers in the begining of Lent and it brings back memories of my grandparents and my mother. That's what makes them great to me.

I actually stopped in at Nortown Bakery on my way to visit my two aunts in Hamtramck. They're the really deal, much better than the ones I got at Martha Washington. I told the gentleman that I was heading to Hamtramck and he told me to tell the people waiting in line to come to his place and get some real paczkis. If you're in Hamtramck today and want to get one of his paczkis just go over to Polish Village Cafe. He said he made around a 100 dozen for them over the last couple of days.

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