In the last few weeks, we've seen an upswing in right wing terrorist attacks. There was the murder of Dr. Tiller and now the white supremest killing a guard at the Holocaust Museum.

This is reminiscent of the time during Clinton's Presidency when you had a rise in the whole militia movement, and came to a head with the Alfred Murrah Building bombing by right wing nut job Tim McVie. Hell, that hero of the right, G. Gordon Liddy even told people on his show that when shooting at ATF Agents, aim for their heads, as they have on bullet proof vests.

Right wing wackos spew this bile and hatred all the time on the radio and especially the Internet. Rush, Hannity, Beck, and O'Reily have their little code speak which can set off any number of these pathetic parasites in much the same way as Bin Ladin sets off his band of murderers. Beck even went so far as to say Obama caused this latest attack because of his policies. Its not too much of a stretch to imagine some of societies least stable folks would hear that as a call to arms against anyone who doesn't share their warped views.

And the right wing talking heads are pretty mild compared to the things one can find on line or at rallies thrown by conservative causes. Think back to when Palin was at rallies and people were shouting "kill him" and she claimed he was "paling around with terrorists" about Obama.

It's time to hold these clowns responsible for their words. The right likes to claim rap and hip hop encourage thug life, crime, and drug use, but their accusations fall silent when terrorists act on behalf of causes that they hold near and dear to their hearts. You can't have it both ways.

Its time for all Americans, right and left, to join together, and put a stop to this madness.