I could say the same for you, Comrade.

Personal liberty, individualism and personal choice trumps a coercive, authoritarian Leftist state seizing my money, every time.

Maybe you think Congress and the president are better people than yourself to make decisions on what to do with money you've amassed [[and already paid taxes upon), and maybe you're OK with them seizing any of it. I'm not.

Since taxation is your new talking point, tell me, which government are you so paranoid of that has announced the pending seizure of your estate?

No, it's the same point I've been arguing on this thread with a bunch of moonbats. No where did I suggest it was imminent. I'm simply deconstructing the Leftist claptrap.

It's more "moral" to use an overused Rethugnican term, to tax you at the 90% rate while you're still cranking out those millions.

So say you. Using the tax system as a punitive weapon to enforce your perverse notions of "social justice" and as a brake on entrepreneurship is unsurprising from someone who lusts for more central planning and government involvement in our lives. You wish to punish those who have done well because you're incapable of getting there yourself, either by birth or sweat, no?

Personally, I have never been an advocate of income taxes for anyone earning under 2 million per year- I have been in favor of taxing wealth over that amount on a graduated scale, up to 90% over, say, 5 million per annum.

How very populist of you -- doing good with other people's money, specifically those evil rich people.

Corporations should bear the brunt of the heavy lifting when it comes to taxation, combined with tarrifs and other forms of income to supply the fed with the funds necessary to provide us socialized health care, a military, paid-for public education, etc.

"Alex, I'll take "The quickest path to turn American into a Third World state for $500."

If there's no incentive to make money though business because you can't make reasonable profits, you've destroyed this nation. Not surprisingly, you're alone in your beliefs.

Why should I start a business when I can pay no income tax and no business tax by staying at home and relying on government handouts from the welfare nanny state?

Of course, corporations would have to curtail the pay for their executives, something they constantly fight, thinking somehow any individual's labor is worth hundreds of millions per year.

It's called market economics. CEOs and NFL quarterbacks are paid huge sums for very specific market reasons.

Then there wouldn't even be the need for an Inheritance Tax

Because there would be nothing to inherit. We'd all live dreary, hardscrabble lives -- the very sort we saw in the Soviet Union. What a noble goal, pal.

Again, I want names of those who have proposed seizing your immense wealth, which is apparently dangling out there like plums on a tree, unprotected from seizure, telling me you have a really lousy estate planner.

This was an academic argument started by others making stupid comments that required a response. I'm not losing any sleep over it, especially because I know people like you will never, ever achieve power. Americans aren't interested in living under the communism you propose. Each according to his means, and other claptrap.

The policies of your presidents Tush & Cheney have taken more from your kids future than any amount of Inheritance Tax would.

My presidents? I didn't vote for them.

With the collapsing dollar, and the massive deficits, Interitance Tax is the least of their worries.

I guess I've given up on trying to elicit an answer from you.

You ask no questions. You sit in your underwear at your keyboard in mom's basement, madly pounding at the keys and frothing Leftist gibberish that only coffeehouse radicals and tweedy college professors take seriously.

Your paranoia is breathtaking.

I'd be paranoid living in the sort of false-Utopian police state you lust for.