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  1. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    I generally agree in principal with much of what Paul says on foreign policy, but much of it is far to ignorant of the potential consequences. In fact, most of what I disagree with is based on the lack of acknowledgement of the consequences of his policies if implemented in the real world
    I watched Dr. Paul speak last night on CNN. And I really wanted to like the guy. Until he started talking about how bread used to cost a nickel, or some other gibberish about the erosion of the dollar.

    I'm not cutting my income to $1800 a year just because Dr. Paul refuses to understand basic monetary policy.

  2. #127


    I'm surprised that you claim to have wanted to like the guy. After all, he opposes the corporatist welfare warfare state you so often defend. It's harder for me to believe that any Democrat would support the federal reserve's monetary policy of enriching owner banks, oligopoly: swallowing up smaller banks, the resultant too big to fail banks demanding bailouts, those same banks funding political campaigns [[Goldman Sachs being Obama's second largest contributor in the last election and Romney's so far in this one.), secrecy even from Congress, and handing out billion$ to European banks. Ron Paul understands all that monetary policy and objects to it. He also supports the Constitution which says Article I, Section 10, "No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts".

    Ron Paul is aquanted with the Federal Reserve's policies. He just disagrees with the existence of a secretive bank owned organization operating pretty much outside the reaches of Congress.

    An interesting thing is happening at the state level. States are beginning to push gold as legal tender.Utah and other states push gold as legal tender, prepares for US dollar collapse.

    Iran also just changed it policies to accept gold for it's oil. If other oil exporting countries got on board and even refused US dollars and accepted only gold, oil could get much more expensive unless we again backed our dollar with something of value.

  3. #128


    Oladub- What's your take if any on Paul's Michigan result.

  4. #129


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Oladub- What's your take if any on Paul's Michigan result.
    He got 6% of the vote four years ago. As in most states so far, he about doubled his share of the vote from four years ago. The two Michigan polls I read prior to this election had him at 11 and 13% so they were right. I would have like to see something more stellar. Most Republicans are not knocking on that door. Still, the neocons are dying off as the Ron Paul liberty movement expands. I would like to think that this movement is the vanguard of what Republicans put together four years from now after eight years of Obama. Much can happen in the interim to get my hope off track. A major war, a depression of even an economic recovery boom could easily change the dynamics of the 2016 race.

  5. #130


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    I'm surprised that you claim to have wanted to like the guy. After all, he opposes the corporatist welfare warfare state you so often defend.
    your stock bullshit answer any time anyone disagrees with the paulian dogma, which would ultimately, for reasons explained ad nauseum here at D-Yes, be the greatest boon for the corporate masters to date

  6. #131


    As the originator of this thread, I would like to thank all of those who voted for and supported Ron Paul.

    I encourage all Paulites to keep up this fight.

    Presently, no candidate will have a clear cut advantage to have the required number of delegates prior to the Convention. Therefore, I recommend that the Paulite delegates fight for the candidate on the convention floor.

    Don't let Mister Flip Flop win.

  7. #132


    And if you believe eliminating the minimum wage would help poor people, there's a bridge I'd like to sell you.,r:1,s:35

  8. #133


    Quote Originally Posted by HistoryNotHisStory View Post
    As the originator of this thread, I would like to thank all of those who voted for and supported Ron Paul.

    I encourage all Paulites to keep up this fight.

    Presently, no candidate will have a clear cut advantage to have the required number of delegates prior to the Convention. Therefore, I recommend that the Paulite delegates fight for the candidate on the convention floor.

    Don't let Mister Flip Flop win.
    I'm almost willing to bet the convention will draft christie

  9. #134


    Someone that few voters know anything about and with little time for Obama to produce new ads against. Maybe JEB Bush, Marco Rubio. Christie isn't appealing physically especially if he's going to say that everyone has to sacrifice.

  10. #135


    Quote Originally Posted by maxx View Post
    Someone that few voters know anything about and with little time for Obama to produce new ads against. Maybe JEB Bush, Marco Rubio. Christie isn't appealing physically especially if he's going to say that everyone has to sacrifice.
    I think its too soon for anyone with the last name of Bush to be running for president, and I think the party is going to groom Rubio for 2016. Christie ain't it. The Repubs will hold their noses and throw Romney out there to get chewed up by Obama

  11. #136


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    I think its too soon for anyone with the last name of Bush to be running for president, and I think the party is going to groom Rubio for 2016. Christie ain't it. The Repubs will hold their noses and throw Romney out there to get chewed up by Obama
    It would be quite funny if the allegedly anti-government republicans put up Rubio who has, literally, never held a job outside of government as an adult

  12. #137


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    I'm almost willing to bet the convention will draft christie
    If that occurs, it will be a disastourous move by the Republican Party.

    The Conservative base has been complaining about the Republican Establishment.

    An action like that would split the party in two.

    If the Republican Establishment chooses a candidate on the Convention floor and ignores the candidates that criss-crossed the country for a year, the can kiss their party good-bye.

    If this happens, Ron Paul would most definitely run Independent.

  13. #138


    I can't see anyone but Santorum not satisfying the nutjob base of the republican party [[actually heard an ex-Reagan hand saying that -- can't recall who)

    The republican base is so extreme, they wouldn't vote for Reagan [[planned to hike capital gains, pardoned illegals...) and Goldwater once said to Dole "can you believe it? Now WE'RE the liberals" or something to that effect. Ike would be considered a liberal, Theodore Roosevelt would have been called a commie, Lincoln would have been the Ultimate Evil

  14. #139


    Eighty-four percent of MI registered voters didn't vote in the primary. And there was a write-in line. What kind of statement would have been made to the Rep. party leaders, if that 84% had written in Bozo the Clown?

  15. #140


    Update: At the Michigan State Republican convention, Paul picked up 8 delegates to the national convention. He wasn't expected to gain any delegates. Neocon Saul Anuzis, an opponent of the Paul movement, was booted out of his position of Michigan Republican National Committeeman.

    "The results were particularly impressive considering the obscure rules that prevented hundreds of potential Ron Paul delegates from voting at the county conventions, since they had to be elected as precinct delegates in 2010 or earlier.To be ready for future elections, Ron Paul supporters mobilized in a big way by registering as precinct delegates all over the state. Some estimates have over half of the registered precinct delegates in Michigan as Ron Paul supporters, something that is sure to influence future elections for years to come.
    It appears unavoidable that the Michigan Republican Party will be firmly under the control of a more libertarian group starting in 2014."

  16. #141


    Oladub what do you think Paul's strategy will work ? Do you think the Repub party will have a more libertarian flavor going into 2016 ?

  17. #142


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Oladub what do you think Paul's strategy will work ? Do you think the Repub party will have a more libertarian flavor going into 2016 ?
    I don't think that Ron Paul will ever be president unless some combination of Romney and Obama mishaps take place. That is unlikely. However, his broader strategy of taking over the Republican Party is having some dramatic successes in some states. Paul now has the majority of delegates in LA, ME, MN, IA and possibly some other states although some delegates are required to vote for other candidates on the first vote. My congressional district in Wisconsin, for instance, has one RP delegate who will be required to vote for Santorum on the first vote. However, all these delegates will be working on party platform and rules to make the next round in 2014 easier. The Michigan article referred to getting rid of rules that kept RP supporters out of the voting for Michigan delegates this time.

    One thing the article hardly mentioned was the intensity and focus of Paul supporters. An even number of Paul supporters matched against an equal number of Romney supporters wanting to hang on to their privilege is not a fair match.

    Example: Georgia Rep. convention attendee already planning for the next round. Defeat isn't in this guy's vocabulary.

    Older white guy with cuff links example

    Yes, there will be a more constitutional libertarian flavor by 2014 partly because the flavor of candidates will be changing, another crop of young people will be taking their places, the neocons are getting old, the rules will be changing, and, I suspect that with either Romney or Obama, the general public will become more disgruntled. In MN, a Paul candidate won the endorsement of the MN Republican convention to run for the US Senate. He is an high school economics teacher whose wife runs an in home day care. Real change.
    Last edited by oladub; May-21-12 at 08:31 PM. Reason: added second link

  18. #143


    Ron Paul update: I didn't want to start another thread.
    Reality Check: RNC Pulling Out All Stops To Keep Ron Paul’s Name Out Of Nomination

    Any politician winning at least five states could be nominated for the presidency under existing RNC rules. Ron Paul won the majority of delegates in more than five states. That allows him to speak at the convention. Unlike Santorum, and the rest, Ron Paul never released his delegates or gave his support to Romney. This is unacceptable to the Romney and majority factions of the RNC. This five minute video [[above) explains how the RNC leadership conducted its own intra party coup d'tat to prevent Ron Paul from speaking. Also, not on this video, the nomination process will be moved forward and sanitized to prevent incidents. The Minnesota delegation, for instance, is made up almost entirely of Ron Paul supporters. Who knows what might be said when MN nominates Paul?

    "Gov. Romney's campaign counsel Ben Ginsberg in today's [Friday] Rules Committee meeting adopted an attitude toward Liberty Republicans that if you can't beat them, then beat them with a stick," said Stebbins, a member of the Rules Committee. "Mr. Ginsberg and the interests he represents made it clear today that Liberty Republicans and Tea Party Republicans are unwelcome guests at this party."

    “Democrats tend to be concerned about the erosion of our civil liberties, while Republicans want to see more economic freedom. In reality politicians from both parties have been selling us out on liberty for generations, increasing the scope of government, and reducing our freedoms. I believe this is why political independents now outnumber partisans in Minnesota. Stand strong for your principles. Don’t settle. Live free.”
    -Marianne Stebbins who will have the mike when it is Minnesota's turn to nominate a President

    It is fair to surmise that if the Republican Party is run as a dictatorship by the Romney people, that a Romney presidency offers little hope for improvement from escaping from the extra-Constitutional Obama administration.

    A credit: Governor LePage of Maine is a Romney supporter. He was/is a delegate to the convention but said that he will boycott the convention if all the Maine Ron Paul delegates appointed by the people of Maine are stripped of their credentials. He has kept his word and is one Romney supporter with integrity.

  19. #144


    What do the Paul supporters hope to achieve ? Give a speech at the convention ? Have some input in the platform ? What can they realistically hope for.

  20. #145


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    What do the Paul supporters hope to achieve ? Give a speech at the convention ? Have some input in the platform ? What can they realistically hope for.
    Eventually take over the Republican Party. In the short term, change the direction and platform of the Republican Party. This time around, maybe just to pacify the Paul supporters, the GOP platform does include auditing the Fed , supports setting up a commission to study the possibility of returning to a gold based currency, and promotes internet freedom on its platform. However, Paul supporter' attempts to include a plank to end foreign nation building were suppressed. Rand Paul will give a speech at the convention and a video of Ron Paul will be presented but he will not be allowed to speak because the TPTB are afraid of what he might say. I'll be interested to hear what Rand has to say. He sometimes takes a position between his Father and the main stream GOP. Sometimes, upcoming party members are allowed to speak to spotlight them for future presidential races as Mario Cuomo and Barack Obama were. Assuming Romney loses, it could be Rand Paul 2016. The RNC has made it more difficult for the liberty faction to take over the Republican Party by 2016 but the demographic of young Ron Paul supporters replacing dying off neocons offsets that.

  21. #146


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    What do the Paul supporters hope to achieve ? Give a speech at the convention ? Have some input in the platform ? What can they realistically hope for.
    They hope for thier candidate who won 5 states to speak at the convention.

    He has earned his right to speak. However, we are hearing from speakers who has not won one state.

    The Democrats knew that Jesse Jackson did not have a chance, but allowed him to speak.

    If we are a democratic society that we say we are then we need to practice what we speak.

    The man has a voice in America...let him speak.

  22. #147


    ^ What he said. Most Paul supporters realistically know he isn't going to win the Presidency, but he is gaining influence on different ideas and philosophies.

    I'm 50/50 on Paul, but I enjoy listening to him speak and respect his consistency and ability to back up his positions with his voting record. I also love how he riles up the RNC. In several of the debates he seemed to have schooled many of the other "Republicans" who spew party-line rhetoric.

  23. #148


    Quote Originally Posted by Bad Brains View Post
    ^ What he said. Most Paul supporters realistically know he isn't going to win the Presidency, but he is gaining influence on different ideas and philosophies.

    I'm 50/50 on Paul, but I enjoy listening to him speak and respect his consistency and ability to back up his positions with his voting record. I also love how he riles up the RNC. In several of the debates he seemed to have schooled many of the other "Republicans" who spew party-line rhetoric.
    In comparison to Mitt Rommney,

    Ron Paul is genius. Mitt does not know how to run a campaign.

    One word "47 percent"

  24. #149


    Quote Originally Posted by HistoryNotHisStory View Post
    One word "47 percent"
    The Ron Paul fans always know how to bring the laughs!

  25. #150


    Quote Originally Posted by noise View Post
    The Ron Paul fans always know how to bring the laughs!
    Well technically, it IS one word [[and a number)

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